1. Click on the gift amount you would like to purchase.
  2. Pick a design you prefer.
  3. If you want to add a personalised message, add it at the checkout to the comment section.
  4. Pick electronic shipment method.
  5. The gift e-card will be delivered to you electronically within 24 hours.
  6. The e-gift card will contain a personal code, which will correspond with the e-gift card amount.
An e-gift card is delivered within 24 hours from the moment of placing an order to the email the customer provided. The e-gift card cannot be exchanged for money and cannot be refunded. It can be applied solely for purchase of Style Avenue jewelry via the website www.style-avenue.com. The e-gift card is valid for 1 year from the purchase date. The balance is not subject to a refund after use. If the amount for the purchase is higher than the value of the e-gift card, its holder has the right to pay the difference in the price of the goods.
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